There was great lift all around the local environs but I had some friends coming up for an intro ride. I'm sure I could have stayed up another hour or two. I didn't know that friends Gabe & Leah, with 10-month-old Adrian would be filming me. You can hear Adrian on the video.
You're not a pilot until you take that post-solo solo: in gliders August 8 & in power (C-172) yesterday from Lebanon.
Yesterday I was 'lost' - kept thinking I was supposed to be doing something, like technique. I also was watching Brian in a balloon drifting around WRJ and Hanover. I left him over the treetops up a hill north of Hanover.
I did manage to fly out of the pattern, south, over Bill's strategically located landout zone in Hartland near the dam:
Not many of us manage to get a video of their solo landing - and this was a surprise. Critiques are welcome - in fact encouraged, as in how else can I get better? I generally try to fly level over the ground as far as possible but seemed to snag some lift for a bit.
A little hard on the tail wheel it seems ~
On Tuesday evening I was in a boat on the CT river near the Lyme/Hanover border. I saw a Cessna sight seeing and thought it was you. You can't do anything around here without people knowing about it.
I'm switching to helicopters and disguising my voice so I can move without being seen.
I did see a boat heading north on the river w/ a decent wake as I was heading south.
If you were in the right place you might have seen Brian in balloon - he was from 2.5k-3k and then down to the trees coming up northeast across Hanover.
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