Monday, February 11, 2008


About a month ago, Tony had the inspired idea of polling club members on a variety of topics. The basic purpose of the survey was to get a reading on how satisfied we were with the club's approach to the larger issues: costs, fleet, operations, encampments, etc. The results (so far) have been quite interesting and in some cases, surprising.

I learned that we're generally happy with the way things are currently working, that encampments are important, that social events are at least as important as flying, that ground school has been neglected.

I was surprised to learn that people are much more willing than I thought to travel to ground school sessions, work parties, and meetings, and to spend real money on soaring safaris. I was further surprised by how much misconception there is out there on the subjects of airport operations, relations with our landlord, and maintenance.

In the weeks ahead, we will form "Working Groups" of members to address the various topics, with the goal of renewing our old commitments and integrating the new ideas.

I view the survey and its analysis as a turning point in the way we do things around here. Full credit to Tony for thinking it up.

(If you haven't participated in the survey, it isn't too late. Contact anyone for a copy, fill it out and send it to Tony).

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