Wednesday, October 3, 2007


I just got home from the SSA Board of Directors meeting in Elmira. I wrote a 1-page report on the meeting and published it on the Region One website.


Peter said...

Thanks Rick. I'm struck by the size of the board. Reduced to 16! That seems to me a pretty unmanageable number still.
A local board I serve on has just completed downsizing from 12 to 9 which we feel is the optimum size for us. It's more work for each board member but we are more productive and effective as a board and meetings are worthwhile rather then frustrating.
As a newcomer its also surprising that SSA is in the trouble it's in given what I would guess to be a profile of it's members. I'm sure there is lots of history I am unaware of.
Are you sponsoring a successor for your position? I do not know any of the players and would not feel qualified to vote intelligently.


Anonymous said...

Hi Peter. Don't sweat the democracy there is likely to be only one candidate.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, the BOD is too big, and even 16 is too many.

It is big because 1) regional representation used to be important - it was considered good to have your director near you, or in the same time zone; and 2) super-volunteers, committee chairs, etc. are "rewarded" by getting a board position.

The first reason is archaic, and the second one is dumb. That is why we have so much deadwood in positions of authority.

We are making progress, but it is slow. We are now committed to the notion that Directors-at-Large must have particular leadership skills (finance, fundraising, etc.)

Anonymous said...

On candidates for Regional Director: watch Soaring Magazine. I'm guessing that they will be John Dezzutti and Dave MacKenzie, both from Connecticut.

They are both friends, both qualified. Speak to me for more info.

And VOTE. The more votes cast, the better my legacy, frankly.