Monday, October 15, 2007

Gorham Late Report October 15

We had only six flights today, beginning very late in the afternoon. Even though the wave was present all day, it was far too wet to go up. Finally, a couple of hours before sunset, the wave window appeared and it seemed to be staying open. Steve and Pete had good flights, but I don't have their stories - I left the field before they landed. Todd Smith from the Nutmeg club hit it just right and climbed to 21000 feet to claim his diamond.

The forecast for tomorrow (Tuesday) seems pretty good, and tows will be available starting early. Wednesday through Friday will be pleasantly dry, but the winds may be light. Our weekend has promise, with winds picking up from the southwest. However, they are talking about more moisture.

Why is it so hard to get dry air and wind simultaneously?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

pulled spoilers just under 13k to get through closing window and then again several times to stay under cloud deck