Bill and Mike made local flights before the weekend, but the lift just wasn't there. Tony, on the other hand, pulled off a nice 260 km flight in which he visited one of his neighbors to the north, but decided not to drop in.
It was nice to see Evan, who towed all 16 flights on Saturday, and it was nice to see Elizabeth who spent the day on the golf cart under the hot sun. At the cookout that evening Evan provided the beer and Mary provided the ointments for Elizabeth's sunburn.
The weather held through Sunday. The light turnout allowed Nancy, Tom, Greg, and Steve to make extended flights. The weather must have been a bit weaker at Morrisville, where Moshe (RU) made a 2-hour local flight.
By Monday, the prefrontal haze had moved in, but that didn't stop Kevin and Steve from practicing their low altitude thermaling skills in the Blanik and the 1-23.
1. We are trying to organize some ground school classes (probably at Lebanon airport in the evenings during the week). Stay tuned.
2. There are signs posted around the north end of the airport. Watch out for them. There will be dinosaur repairs going on this week. Watch out for nails and other hazards.
3. Kevin has discovered that the back of the front seat in the Blanik is adjustable. This should help with the left-knee-spoiler-handle problem.
4. Rick assumes that all the BFRs are completed.
1. We have developed a few maintenance items that need attention. Don't forget to volunteer to help with the 304 trailer, the Blanik instrumentation and canopy, the 1-23 instrumentation, new towropes, and the golf cart radio. Always be on the lookout for things to fix.
2. Try to keep the golf cart moving. We have been doing an inefficient job of moving gliders around on the ground.
3. We will move trailers and do some mowing next weekend.
4. It's OK to throw trash into the golf cart during the day, but don't forget to clean it out before going home. Also, don't forget to claim your water bottles, lunch boxes, flip-flops, and toys at the end of each day.