Saturday, April 25, 2009

Assembly Day Report

If your name is not on this list:
Andrew, Andy, Andy, Bill, Bob, Charlie, Chris, Christopher, David, Dirk, Doug, Elinor, Gretta, Jack, Jeff, Jill, Jill, Judy, Kelly, Kevin, Larin, Mary, Matt, Mike, Nancy, Nathan, Olivia, Paul, Pete, Peter, Petey, Rich, Rick, Sonny, Sue, Thomas, Tom
you missed either a fun day of washing and assembling gliders or a cookout, or both.

For the twenty-first time, we began our season by bringing our fleet out of storage, assembling and washing, and occupying our tiedowns on the field.  After the work, we had the choice of making a symbolic flight, or starting the party early.  We chose the party.

Perhaps we'll make our first flight of the season tomorrow.

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