Thursday, May 7, 2020

COVID update I

We will fly this year!

In order to resume flying responsibly, we have imposed upon ourselves a new set of rules and procedures, effective immediately:
PMSC Operational Rules During COVID-19
All members have received these rules by email, and we have all been asked to sign a statement that we have read them.  Wait, make that "required," not "asked."  This is serious.

These rules are sensible, conservative, and we hope, temporary.  They are in accordance with the Vermont state guidelines and the Governor's latest Executive Order.

The synopsis is that we will start with solo flying only.  The spring checkrides will be skipped, but not the ground school talks that go with them.  Please talk with an instructor before flying, choose a day with benign weather, and stay local at first.

We will also try to keep the "gatherings" small.  No rides (even for family members), no new members, no encouragement of spectators.  No cookouts, phooey.

Obviously, we will monitor the situation closely, and we will relax the rules as soon as it makes sense to do so.

The BOD has worked hard to come up with this plan to get some gliders into the air at the earliest possible time.  They deserve our thanks and cooperation.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Very reasonable. Good job, BOD!