Saturday, January 14, 2017

A face in the crowd

Name That Club Member.

Western Winter Wave

Doug is traveling in Colorado these days, and he stopped along the way outside of Denver to take this picture:

The pilots of the Black Forest Soaring Society in Colorado Springs were probably having some good flying that day.

Tuesday, January 3, 2017

New Year's Day Flight

I had a nice wave flight to celebrate the New Year.  Took a long tow and could only find weak wave behind Okemo Mountain.  Moved upwind of Okemo because the clouds looked better, and was able to climb while heading south almost to Mt. Snow.  I think the wave system was well establish to the west (from New York) as can be seen in the satellite images.  Okemo Mountain must have interfered with the established wave resulting in the poor climbs east of the mountain.  Maximum altitude was about 15,000'.

Stratton Mountain in the shade.

Mt. Ascutney is in the Center.  VSF, CMH, and Lake Sunapee are visible in the right pane.