Monday, December 17, 2007

Has it been only 104 years?

Today is the anniversary of the day the Wright brothers spoiled their best glider by putting an engine on it.

Only 120 days till our season starts.


Gregg Ballou said...

Rick. Love the snowthrow job in your yard. We need a picture of that. It is a thing of beauty to see a determined glider pilot flip old lady winter the bird.

Andy Lumley said...


I hate to see you go on spoiling perfectly good gliders with those damn engines so I replaced your Cub's A-65 with 2 bags of cement (for weight and balance).

Where's your weed whacker parked by the way?

Anonymous said...

The weed whacker is perched at the end of a perfectly good road, ready to be pulled out and launched at a moment's notice.